news & events event

Come and join us, or if just looking at church, come and find us. We shall be in Market Hill, Sudbury at 12pm. Quality mince pies served with God’s love. What could be better? See you there.


Thanks to all those Waitrose shoppers who give through the green tokens in November. We raised an amazing £460! Wow! This is the icing on the cake of what has been an extraordinary month for Storehouse, our compassion programme. We are so proud to be a part of Sudbury. Many more lives in crisis can now be touched by the kindness of others. To God be the glory!


If you are are part of our church, come and serve our local community and bless Christmas shoppers, by helping to give away a couple of hundred mince pies or so.

Why do we do it?

We want to do a small act of kindness to show God loves and cares about ordinary people by using ordinary people. We don’t want it to be a ‘religious’ thing or be preachy. Who wants that when you go out shopping on a Saturday morning? We certainly don’t!

All it needs is 45 minutes of your time. If you have never been part of one of our giveaways before, you are in for a treat. It really is a lot of fun! We will be gathering under the SVV gazebo from 11.30am to set up.

What better way to get in the mood for Christmas? Let’s go and serve somebody!


From iGod

Dr Eve Poole, associate faculty at Ashridge Business School, writes for EA’s Friday Night Theology on the value of foodbanks and makes a strong case to go shop for families and individuals in crisis at Christmas.

Often we have to explain that our Storehouse, a Vineyard church initiative inspired by Ann Watson (wife of the late David Watson), is not a homeless programme, but a hard-pressed programme. For whatever reason people fall on tough times. We feel strongly that ours is not to judge, but to show mercy.

Eve Poole cites that “fewer than 5 per cent of those who use foodbanks are homeless. Most of them are ordinary families with cashflow problems from rising bills, spiralling debt, or delayed benefit payments. Many are suffering from unexpected sickness, bereavement, or unemployment.”

As our own church prepares for its second weekend at Waitrose, I would recommend having a quick read of Eve’s article and letting the stats soak in.

Meanwhile, if you are not near Sudbury Suffolk, there are plenty of other foodbanks around, not least those that are franchised through the Trussell Trust, so why not get involved?

Let’s go serve somebody!



Sorry for any disappointment. Our next Service will be next week on Sunday 8 December, 10.30 am at the Delphi Centre, Newton Road, Sudbury. Come early for fresh coffee and snacks. If you are new or’ just looking’ we look forward to offering you a warm welcome. Meanwhile, if we can help you in any other way, please contact us at the SVV church office. Here to serve.


Our foodbank to help provide over 200 hampers for families and individuals in crisis this Christmas starts today. We are at Waitrose in Sudbury this weekend the next one.

Thanks for all those doing slots. You are amazing people. Let’s be praying that this is a significant time and that shoppers are generous in their support. If you are not on a team, don’t let it stop you coming down to say “hello” and joining in the fun! You can also bring your own donations or visit our online foodbank store here.


Due to popular demand, we have another Curry Evening at Melford Valley Tandoori in Long Melford on Monday 10 December at 8pm.

Unlike the the other two outings, which were Men’s Evenings, this one is very much open invitation to both sexes!

It is incredibly good value at just £10 for a set buffet menu. The guys at Melford Valley are really planning to pull out all the stops for us on this one, so you want be disappointed. Drinks are extra.

If you would like to come, please sign-up on Sunday at the Welcome Desk. You will also need to come armed with a  £5 deposit (each person).

Meanwhile, do invite friends and family who don’t usually come to church things.  It really is a great way of getting to know each other, as well as being a great night out.


We are delighted to have Rich and Jack Bull, along with their two boys, Nathan and Joseph, with us from Trent Vineyard this weekend. Jack is the Theology Co-ordinator and on staff at Trent Vineyard. We look forward to hearing her speak as we continue our series looking at the book of Nehemiah.

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