Baptisms Baptisms

“Then Peter said to them, repent, and be baptised every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” – Acts 2:38

We have a special service on Sunday 4 November and we really hope you and your family and friends will be able to come!

We are baptising people who’ve chosen to live a life for Jesus and want the opportunity to declare their faith publicly.

Just for this week, we will be meeting at Sudbury Baptist Church at 4pm. Arrive from 3.30pm for drinks and cakes.

Whether you are new, just looking at church and faith, you are very welcome to join us. It is going to be a fun and joyful occasion.

We look forward to celebrating this special day together. See you there!

Please note: this afternoon service replaces our normal Sunday morning service at the Delphi Centre. (We will be back at the Delphi Centre, 10.30am on Sunday 11th November.)







Fill a bag with hope!

“Remember the poor.” – Galatians 2 v 10

Here at Stour Valley Vineyard our biggest compassion ministry is that of our foodbank Storehouse.

In the last 11 years, we have watched Storehouse grow from being run out of our Pastors cellar, into it now having its own section of the new Vineyard Centre. On Sunday 14th October we plan to spend some time remembering some of the amazing things God has done within our community through Storehouse, and discuss how there are even more amazing things to come! We are watching connections within our area forming in front of our very eyes. This August we fed 60% more people than we did the previous August.

We will see you there!


Exploring is good. We’re built for it. Explore more about life, faith and meaning with Alpha.

Alpha is a FREE course exploring the Christian faith, each session looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation. There is also the opportunity to ask questions and share your point of view; whether you’re a Christian or not.

Our next course runs for 8 weeks from Wednesday 19 September, 7:30pm, Vineyard Centre.

Join others like yourself and discover the possibilities of a life less ordinary.

Find out more about Alpha and book your place.

Contact the team


Sorry if you were hoping to visit us on Sunday 26 August, but we like to give our Sunday Support Teams a well-earned rest over the August bank holiday.

We will be meeting again on Sunday 2 September and will be at the usual time and place: 10.30 am at the Delphi Centre, Sudbury. Meanwhile, we hope you are having a wonderful Summer whatever you are doing.


I will build my church – Matthew 16:18

We’re so grateful to all the talented craftsmen in our church who have helped us write a new chapter in the story of Stour Valley Vineyard.

BUT we are equally grateful to the rest of the church who came down on DIY Sunday and painted the place top to bottom. Such great unity amongst us! So grateful to God!

We also took the opportunity on the morning to deliver hundreds of welcome postcards to our new neighbours. If you are reading because you received one, we hope to meet you soon.  

If you missed this Sunday, don’t worry, there will be other opportunities to get involved. there are still things to be done.

But for now we give thanks to this amazing new building called Vineyard Centre.












Stour Valley Vineyard is going to be 10 years old! Can you believe it?

This September we are celebrating our first decade, and we would be honoured if you would celebrate it with us! Your story is part of our story too, after all.

We want to make a weekend of it, so book the dates now!

And if you’re new, haven’t been to church for a while or just new to the area, you’re welcome to join us. In fact, it would make our day to see you!

Anniversary Dinner & Live Music
Friday 22 September 2017
Stoke-by-Nayland Hotel and Golf Club
Leavenheath, Suffolk

A bit of an excuse to par-tee, have a bit of a dance and really celebrate the amazing work Jesus is doing in our town! The tickets for this event will be sold at the church office and the Welcome Point on Sunday.

Church Birthday Celebration
Sunday 24 September 2017
Delphi Centre, Newton Road
Sudbury, Suffolk

Like our usual Service, our birthday celebration will start at 10.30am, but do remember to come early from 10am for coffee, drinks and birthday treats. we’ll have lots going on this Sunday and is a good weekend to visit.

We are super excited, and we hope you are too!

For more information, please don’t hesitate to contact our church office or ask our team at the Welcome Point on Sunday.



Church Weekend Away (BCDO)


We’re very excited to announce that for the first time Stour Valley Vineyard is to have its first church weekend away. We are going to the Big Church Day Out. What’s more, we’d love you and your family, and friends, to join us.

It takes place on Saturday 28 and Sunday 29th May at Wiston House in West Sussex, but you will be able to arrive a day earlier and leave on Monday to make the most of Bank Holiday Weekend.

The Big Church Day Out is now the largest music-focused Christian event in Europe with 25,000 people attending. This year worship times will be led by Matt Redman and Tim Hughes, as well as a worship team from Bethel Church, California, plus many more.

There’s also a huge amount for kids and young people to enjoy. Why not take a look at the film we showed last Sunday at church?

We will be camping as a church group, so there will be plenty of time to hang out with each other. This weekend away together is as much about rest and replenishment as it is about fun and fellowship.

If you are not able to camp or prefer bricks to canvas, you can always book into a local bed and breakfast. But the big thing is just about being together! If you are not able to make the who weekend but would still like to join is there is also the option to book discounted day tickets on our group booking page, simply sign up the same way you would for full weekend tickets.

BCDO square pics x 3

What you need to do next

To get a discount on your tickets we have set up a Stour Valley Vineyard group page through Big Church Day Out, which includes both event and camping tickets.*

To access the group booking page we will need to give Big Church Day Out your email (one per family) so they can send you a formal booking invite. Please not you will need to purchase your tickets before Saturday 30th April to qualify for thr group discount.

All you have to do next is simply email or
 call: 01787 377670 and let us know you’d like to consider coming. Alternatively you can sign up at the Welcome Point on Sunday morning.

Looking forward to having you with us!











Stour Valley Vineyard Church has been presented with a Working Together Award and been handed a cheque for £3,500 by Suffolk Community Foundation for achieving outstanding outcomes through its collaboration and partnerships in Sudbury.

Working with strategic partners such as social services, CAB, housing trusts, local churches and other voluntary organisations, each year it gives out hundreds of emergency food bags to local families and individuals in crisis.

Storehouse Foodbank began in 2007 after the church received a phone call from youth social services asking for help with a young homeless person sleeping rough. Storehouse usage was up 62% more in 2015 than in the previous year.

Through a team of volunteers and weekly drop-ins, it also provides a listening ear and a bridge to receiving further help. One of those other ways is with CAP Money, a free three-week course, to help people manage their finances without fear. It also has plans to expand its services.

Councillor Sarah Stamp, Suffolk County Councillor’s Cabinet Member for Communities, along with Andrea Pittock, Suffolk Community Foundation’s Grants Manager, presented the cheque to Senior Pastor Andrew Stewart-Darling and Storehouse Team Leader Rita Pennington at their church offices at the Christopher Centre in Gainsborough Street, Sudbury.

Councillor Stamp said, “I have visited and been privileged to present some fantastic awards to community groups across Suffolk who have shown exceptional collaborative working.”

The Award is financed by Suffolk County Council and managed by Suffolk Community Foundation offering awards up to £10,000 to charities, community groups and not for profit organisations working in Suffolk.

Senior Pastor, Andrew Stewart-Darling says, “We are incredibly humbled and honoured to receive this recognition. Through a dedicated team of volunteers from the church, support from ‘business angels’ and local groups, we’re able to see many families in crisis walk out two inches taller from when we first meet them. This is reward in itself.

“The Working Together Award is timely because Storehouse Foodbank needs continual support with its overheads and running costs. But it needs more than food, so if anyone is able to financially support our work in the community, we’d really love to hear from them. Our community continues to be hugely generous with food donations, but the costs for the food bank’s sustainability equally needs supporting. Every £10 really does help.

“But we also now have another urgent need. We desperately require new premises for food storage as well as office space, if possible. We have been hugely grateful to a local business for our current warehouse space, but, sadly, that will no longer be available to us very soon. So we’d love to hear from another local business who might be able to partner with us. I cannot stress enough the importance of the food bank to our town and surrounding areas at this time, so we hoping that a business will be able to help us quickly. Meanwhile, thank you Sudbury. You are amazing!”

Storehouse Foodbank is a compassion programme of Stour Valley Vineyard Church with two regular weekly drop in’s at the Christopher Centre. Users of the foodbank are referred through partner agencies to ensure it serves those with the greatest needs. To know more, please contact the Storehouse team on: 07973 710905 or email them today.

To give a one-off gift or set up a regular monthly gift for Storehouse, please go to our giving page. Thank you.

Give Now


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