news & events news & events

A timely following on from Sunday’s talk: Loneliness is ‘hidden killer’ of elderly


Need some inspiration? A few book suggestions to take you through the 40-day period leading up to Easter, should you find them useful. (All linked to Amazon.)


Giving it Up (Highly recommended)

Daily Bible readings from Ash Wednesday to Easter Day

Maggie Dawn


Journey to Jerusalem

Bible readings from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday

David Winter


Less is More (Profoundly challenging) 

Spirituality for Busy Lives

Brian Draper


Love Life Live Lent: Transform your World  (Great for young families)

Compilation of ideas for each day of Lent for you and your family.


Listening (Contemplative read)

Anne Long

(A bit of a classic when I was a student and no less so for today’s even busier world)


And finally…


The Lion’s World – a Journey into the Heart of Narnia

Rowan Williams

(Not sure if this book is influenced by the ex-Archbishop of Canterbury’s subequent move to CS Lewis’ alma mater Magdalene College, but has had good reviews nevertheless.)



Andrew Stewart-Darling

Vineyard East Anglia Area Leader



The Pope has resigned! Extraordinary days. Pray for wisdom and discernment for our Catholic friends.#poperesigns


SVV Mens' BreakfastIf you are male and fancy a fantastic blow out breakfast at Painters on Saturday 16 Feb, we’d love to see you.

If you are new to the church or just looking, it is a great way to get to meet other guys and find our what we are all about.

Dads, feel free to bring sons. Bring your friends.

Let the church office know if you would like to come.We will need to let Painters know numbers to ensure everyone gets a seat and a sausage!

Man blessings!




Come and connect with other Vineyard churches in the East Anglia Area for a special evening of worship, teaching and ministry. 

Being our first ever East Anglia Area Celebration, we are thrilled to have Dave Workman, senior pastor of Vineyard Cincinatti as our guest speaker.

Dave is married to Anita and is the author of Outward Focused Life. He leads a vibrant church in the heart of a large US city and brings with him a wealth of experience, along with and a passion for serving the community. We are in for a treat.

Venue: West Suffolk Vineyard, King Edward VI School, Spring Lane entrance, Bury St Edmunds, IP33, 3AU.

A night to get inspired and empowered for sure. See you there!


FREE Admisssion.


Live-&-Local-adEnjoy an evening of being in God’s presence with grassroots worship written by home-grown talent at West Suffolk Vineyard Church.

It takes place at their Sunday venue: King Edwards School, Spring Lane entrance, Bury St Edmunds. See their website for more info.

Oh and its free!


Did you know that give it up revised adLent starts on Wednesday 13 February?

It is a time when the Church traditionally marks the period that Jesus went into the Wilderness to pray and abstained from food and drink for 40 days.

Many Christians will be thinking about giving up something for Lent to as part of their own personal journey to the cross at Easter. We may already be thinking about giving up chocolate, coffee, wine or another little luxury or comfort thing

So here’s a thought. Why not mark this time by giving up a cup of coffee in a cafe and putting the money aside for Storehouse? Or maybe forgoing the odd bottle of wine and turning it into some cans of soups?

You can then have the joy of see these savings turn into Storehouse Emergency foodbags for someone in crisis who has no option but to go without.

It’s easy to get involved.

Simply bring any items along to church or your HOME group or to any of our Storehouse Collection Points in town. Alternatively, you can give a financial  gift. (Please make any cheques payable to Stour Valley Vineyard and write on the back Storehouse.)

If you are from another church or organisation, please contact the SVV Storehouse Team for more details. We’d love to hear from you.

Have fun!


Download A4 Poster and PowerPoint Notice Slide for churches and organisations 




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