news & events news

If you are a leader we hope you have in your diaries our time at Assington Hall next Saturday morning. We start at 10.00 am and finish at 1 pm. These are times of equipping, envisioning and refreshing. We will be looking at the vision of the church and how that looks for each one of us, along with some ministry goals for the year ahead. I hope you can make it. If you have not been to Assington Hall before, here is a map.



Ready for this year’s Ignition?

If you are 12-17 years old, part of Supernovas or new to the church, you are invited to come to Assington Hall for a day of huge fun, fun fun!

This year’s theme is Mission Impossible, so if you are up for impossible challenges and enjoy getting outside this is most definitely for you. There will also be a BBQ at the end of the day. Quite frankly, it’s hard to know what’s not to like!

This year, we will be joined by Eden’s Project’s Sanctify group, so do make them feel welcome. We are really looking forward to getting to know them.

The day takes place on Saturday 6 October, starting at 10.30 am and finishes at 5.30 pm.

The cost is £5 per person, but if there is two of you in a family the cost is £7.50 for both. (Cheques made payable to Stour Valley Vineyard.) You will also need to have a signed consent form by a parent or guardian. This is important. No consent form, not play!

Because of the activities there are limited places, so it will be on a strictly “first come, first served” basis. So don’t delay, book today.

See Barrie and Kerri today or if from Eden’s, please see Stuart and Jude.





Come and help us celebrate! Invite friends and a family to our special service as we give thanks to the Lord for five years of our church plant. You are also invited to stay afterwards for a potluck lunch. If you are a regular, please bring something savoury and something sweet to share. Visitors, just come!

There will also be a bouncy castle for the kids (parents will need to supervise their own children please).

See you at the Delphi Centre for a 10.30 am. Come early for fresh coffee and snacks.


We have a new CAP Money Management Course starting 1.15 pm, Friday 21 September at No. 72, North Street, Sudbury. This is a free 3-part course run by Stour Vineyard Church, working in partnership with local churches and community organisations.

If you feel you need to get a better handle on your finances or are struggling to keep in the black each month, this course is definitely for you. Each session lasts for an hour and a half and comes with notes to take away.

If you would like to attend or find out more, please let the office know or contact the CAP Money coaches Ruth and Ellie directly. They would love to hear from you.


We are excited to be meeting again after the Summer break. Hope you regulars in ministry teams feel rested and raring to go. If you are visiting or looking for a church, we’d love to see you too. Join us at the Delphi Centre, Newton Road, 10.30 am. Simply come as you are.



Amazingly, it will be our church’s 5th birthday on Sunday 9 September. Come and help celebrate the Lord’s faithfulness with us at 10.30 am. We look back at the journey of the last five years and look forward to the next five. Hear our vision and also get a vision for your own life.

Afterwards there will be a pot-luck lunch so if you are a regular, do remember to bring something along to share with others. Did we mention that there will also be a bouncy castle for the kids? This is a great occasion to invite friends and family who do not usually go to church. If you are new or just looking, this is also a wonderful opportunity to get to know us and find out what we are about.


Reach for your swimming togs, towel and packed lunch and join us as we head off as a church to Walton-on-the Naze on Saturday 4 August.  We shall be gathering at 11.30 am onwards. No need to book just turn up and find us. We shall be on the right had side of the pier. Feel free to bring friends and family. See you there.


While we are not meeting formally on Sundays in August, why not meet up with others in the church over tea and cakes on Sunday 19 August between 3-6pm? Dave and Jenny would love love to see you.


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