news & events news

Just a quick reminder that this Sunday (Oct 5) we will be changing from our ‘First Sunday’ evening service to a morning service. We will be meeting at the Delphi Centre, the service starts at 10:30am, with fresh coffee, pastries and snacks for the children served  from 10:15am.

If you haven’t been before it will be great to see you, stop at the welcome point as you arrive, the welcome team will help you to settle in.

Look forward to seeing you on Sunday morning.



Sudbury-Garden-CentreWe are pleased to welcome Sudbury Garden Centre as a new Collection Point for Storehouse Foodbank. So if you are the green-fingered type do pop in with a donation of a couple of cans and say ‘Hi’ to the staff.

Meanwhile, we will keep giving out the food and love to local families and individuals in crisis.




If you’re a church, school or organisation planning to collect food donations for Storehouse Foodbank, thank you!

If you would like to know more about how you can get involved, it’s not too late. We’d love to chat.

You will be doing an amazing thing by helping to support our local families and individuals in crisis. Together we can help change lives and, in God’s name, tell them that someone cares about them.

Click here to go to our Harvest 2014 page and read more. You can also download publicity materials to help promote your Sunday or event. We can also provide, on loan, a pop up banner.

For more assistance or information about Storehouse, please don’t hesitate, to contact our Storehouse Foodbank team. We here to help in any way we can. No question is dumb.

Meanwhile, the team are praying for a significant time for you this Harvest and looking forward to hearing you get on. Have fun!

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me…” – Matthew 25:35-36

God bless.


Birthday page banner










Lets celebrate!

Join us on Sunday 14 September as we celebrate and give thanks to God for all he has done and praise him for what he has planned for us in our 8th Year. The service will start from 10:30am at the Delphi Centre, Newton Road, Sudbury, to welcome you there will be fresh coffee and pastries from 10:15am.

After the service there will be a pot luck lunch, live music by Steve Barker (aka Mirror Signal) and entertainment for the kids.

So come along, no ticket required, just help us celebrate this special occasion!





IGodLatest iGod blog post by our senior pastor, Andrew Stewart-Darling.


NLC 2015 (Banner)








Break Out – National Leaders Conference 26-29 Jan 2015

It has been an exciting year for Vineyard churches, we have been hearing stories of healing, salvation and amazing things people are doing in their communities. As we desire more of this from the Lord the National Leaders Conference (NLC) for 2015  is entitled ‘Breakout’.

As with previous years  there will be lots of opportunity for worship, catching up with old friends and making new ones. This years speakers will include Jay Pathak, Mike Pilavachi, Debby Wright and John & nlc-2015Eleanor Mumford.

Away from the main sessions, there will be a selection of seminars to encourage, train and address the issues that we, as leaders, all face.

The conference will be held at Trent Vineyard in Nottingham. For details of booking or to find out more about Break Out 2015 click here.



APTOPIX Mideast Iraq Fleeing Christians

A letter from our senior pastor, Andrew Stewart-Darling

I know that I am technically on holiday, but I have felt a divine ‘tug’ to communicate my thoughts and actions on recent conflicts. Not least on what has been reported today.

Will you please take just a couple of minutes to read my words and respond as the Holy Spirit guides you?

I recognise that it is hard for us in the UK to truly grasp the level of suffering inflicted on ordinary people in the Middle East and Arab World but, like us, they simply yearn to live a life in peace and bring their families up the best they can.

Some news commentators are calling this period ‘the summer of war’. And it is not hard to see why. Conflicts in Syria, Nigeria, Gaza and Iraq dominate our TV screens. They constantly remind us of how broken our world is, but I have to believe that the cross is big enough to deal with all the world’s suffering.

As the hundredth anniversary of the First World War has reminded us this week, there is nothing whatsoever glorious or spiritually rewarding in a war that seeks domination over another people for its own profit or ideological agenda. What right does one man have to take away the breath of another man?

In particular, the conflict between Israel and Gaza should challenge every Christian to the core.

It is why this week I joined with other local church leaders to co-sign a letter to express my deepest concerns to the Right Honourable Phillip Hammond MP, the Foreign Secretary, regarding our country’s relationship Israel. Our local MP Tim Yeo and friend of Vineyard, Lord Andrew Phillips have also thrown their support behind our letter.

Today I read of fresh violence with the extreme persecution of Christians in Qaraqosh in Nineveh, northern Iraq. Our Christian family have seen more than their fair share of violence and suffering in the past two decades. It just goes from bad to worse. BBC News shows how the ancient Christian community have been singled out by Islamist militants ISIS for systematic eradication. Recently we saw the last Christians forced out of Mosul in northern Iraq. There is no mercy. There is no safe refuge.

So, if you are able, I’d like you to do two things today. Firstly, pray with me!

Pray for those persecuted Christian families fleeing from conflict: afraid, homeless and penniless. For those who have lost fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, sisters and brothers. Pray that our persecuted family will be given the courage and strength to see a better day.

Secondly, please give a gift to Open Doors Iraq Emergency Appeal.

Open Doors works in the most dangerous places in the world to bring practical and spiritual support to those where faith costs everything. They do an amazing thing, which often means putting themselves at extreme risk. The Iraq Emergency Appeal is already proving to be their biggest ask for support ever! And I cannot say that I am altogether surprised! This is hitting the nerves of many Christians in this country and across the world.

If you are part of Stour Valley Vineyard, please know that we have already made a gift on your behalf. But if you would like to give further as a family or individual I know that our persecuted family would love to hear from you. Please click here.

Meanwhile, “let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds” (Hebrews 10:23-24). 

Thank you. The Lord bless you and keep you safe this summer.

Much love,

Andrew (and Emma)





Picnic in the park (post header)






As a growing family church plant we like to look after our leaders and teams by giving them a well-earned rest. Therefore, we are taking a break from Sunday services and formal meetings in the month of August.

We are really sorry if you were hoping to visit or check us out, but please look around on our site and see if we are your kind of church.

As part of our summer programme we will be holding a ‘Picnic in the Park’ on Sunday 17 August from 12:30pm at Belle Vue Park, Sudbury.  There is a cafe and a great play area for the kids. Bring a picnic and take the opportunity to hang out with us.

We would love to see you.

In the mean time if you have any questions about what is happening during August be sure to call the office (01787 377670) or email us.

Picnic in the park (post footer)







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