news & events event



The Cause To Live For, 20-21 November 2015, Trent Vineyard, Nottingham

For all of those of you in your 20s and 30s and want to find ‘The Cause to Live for’ join us in Nottingham, 20-21 November, for two days of worship and teaching, as we pursue all that God has for us. There will be guest speakers John and Debby Wright, Chuck & Taryn Freeland, Jen Rankine and Dave Miller

If you want to find out more about being inspired, equipped and propelled for our generation in the ministry of the Kingdom head over to The Cause To Live For web page to book your place.

For more details contact Carl Ward at the church office.




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At our eighth birthday in September we shared our joy of how God is growing us a community of His people, transforming lives through his grace and mercy. We also shared a little of our plans for the year ahead, which included news of a new warehouse building.

There have been some developments, which I need to bring to your attention and ask for your grace and understanding.

Some of you will have noticed a ‘For Sale’ sign going up outside the building, so we would like to tell why.

Firstly, you need to know that we have a very good relationship with the owner of the warehouse. He has been a generous and faithful friend of Storehouse for over two years.

He is also a businessman. Along with the warehouse he owns the two other units next to it, which he currently trying to sell. However, he is finding that businesses are only interested if all three units are available. His business is, of course, his number one concern. And this means our plans have had to change.

It means that, as things stand, our tenure at the warehouse will now only be for one year. Of course, that could well change again, so we will continue to be open-minded about its future use for us. However, we still believe that it is God’s provision for us for today.

One of the attractions of the warehouse is the additional office space. It was going to save us thousands of pounds. At the moment, such is the wonderful growth of the church, we are having to dig deeper into our reserves – more than we would like. As everything grows so does our need for more money.

So may we ask you today to first pray about our financial needs, so we can continue to invest in God’s work in this church and our community. And secondly, pray about your own giving to God.

The Bible talks a lot about giving from a heart of gratitude. We are called to be cheerful givers. It also speaks of God’s heart, and he asks if we would willingly tithe 10% of our income back to him.

Now, that can seem a lot, but then when we remember how much God has given us through his son, Jesus. And, for me, I find that puts everything into perspective.

King David declares to God, “Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand.” (1 Chronicles 29:14). So we give back to him only what is his, and only 10% of it.

May I request that you give through Stewardship, our planned giving scheme. It enables us make your gifts go 25% further, courtesy of the taxman. Many of us are already giving sacrificially, thank you. But I can ask others of us to review our giving, not least if we have had a change in our circumstances in the last year and find ourselves a bit better off.

You can pick up a form from the Welcome Point on Sundays or request one from the church office. Alternatively, you can go to our online giving page.

Meanwhile, if you do have any questions about the warehouse or our finances, do please talk to Emma or myself or any of our trustees. We’d love to talk to you.

Thank you and God bless,

Andrew Stewart-Darling, Senior Pastor




Every day more than 50 children are taken into care in the UK. Some of them need a temporary home in an emergency until they can return to their families. Others need a permanent home with a new forever family.

Home for Good aims to make adopting and fostering a part of a churches life and ministry. It is a fantastic opportunity for the Church to be good news in society, change our communities and transform the lives of some of the most vulnerable children in the UK.

At Stour Valley Vineyard Church on Sunday 6 November we will be putting a spotlight on fostering and adoption in Suffolk and how we as a church can help to support the work of Home for Good.

Home for Good are hoping that over 200 churches will take the opportunity during this years Adoption Sunday to pray for the foster carers and adoptive families, raise awareness of the 6,000 children waiting for adoption, and celebrate our adoption into God’s family.

In the mean time if you would like to find out more about Home for Good follow the link to their web page or speak to Paul & Louise Bunton.








Up and down the country, churches, schools and voluntary organisations are holding harvest services, festivals and suppers.

But what does Harvest mean to our wider community nowadays? What is the best way to celebrate it? Our senior pastor, Andrew Stewart-Darling, share some thoughts on his latest post on iGod.






We are thrilled to welcome Eddie Lyle on Sunday 1st November at Stour Valley Vineyard.

Eddie is the president of Open Doors, UK & Ireland, an international ministry started 60 years ago by Brother Andrew to serve the most persecuted Christians in the world.

Come and be inspired in your own faith through the stories of ordinary Christians who are experiencing immense hardship in hostile, war-torn and troubled places like Syria and Iraq.

In many places, like in the Middle East and North Africa, the Church appears to be fighting for its survival. Yet, against the odds, the gospel continues to shine and amazing stories of God’s goodness are emerging, not least in the most closed countries on earth.

On this Sunday we have two services. In the morning, as usual, we meet at 10.30am in the Delphi Centre, Newton Road, Sudbury (map). Fresh coffee, cold drinks and pastries served from 10.15am. It Includes Planet Vineyard, our interactive programme for young children.

Then, in the evening, at 6.30pm we are hosting a Churches Together service at St John’s Methodist Church, York Road, Sudbury (map).

The theme is ‘Unshakeable Faith’. At this special joint service Eddie will be speaking particularly on the state of the persecuted church in Syria and the Middle East and how we can respond to their need. Coffee, cold drinks and doughnuts will be served from 6.15pm.

This day is a great opportunity to invite your friends and family to hear the gospel through a very topical and relevant issue for today’s world. We are expectant of God doing much in our hearts and minds.



2015-01-john-and-debby-wright-694John & Debby Wright have been commissioned as the new National Directors of Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland, taking over from John & Eleanor Mumford, in a service at Trent Vineyard in Nottingham.. From all at Stour Valley Vineyard Church we would like to wish them many blessings in their new leadership role!

If you were unable to make the service at Trent Vineyard you can watch online.













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