news & events

3236352Central Vineyard will be welcoming Robby Dawkins back to Northampton on 6th and 7th March 2015. Robby is is a much sought after speaker, as well as featuring in two of Darren Wilson’s films; Father of Lights and Furious Love.
Robby and his wife, Angie, married in 1992 and planted the Vineyard Church of Aurora in 1996. They felt a call to plant in a poor urban neighbourhood and it is estimated that they have seen over 50% of current attenders come to Christ through the church and almost 3/4 of those have come through “power” encounters with the Holy Spirit on the streets.

3941458Since 2013 Robby has been speaking and writing full time and is currently based out of the Vineyard Church of Central Illinois.  Having been in over 30 countries around the world, God has used him to help build the church internationally. He has ministered in many Muslim countries and in 2 of the top 10 most dangerous countries according to Voice of the Martyrs magazine.

The weekend will packed full of stuff to to equip us in our own ministries. We already have a few people from Stour Valley Vineyard heading up to this event so if you are interested and would like to hook up, contact the church office by email or telephone 01787 377670

For full details and to book your place head over to the Central Vineyard booking page.



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