January, 2013

Looking fwd to church this morning. Talk series continues with Living Together in a World of Hurt. Newcomers’ lunch follows #lvineyardchurch


A small reminder to all visitors and those ‘just looking’ at SVV, there’s a newcomers’ lunch after AM service. Coming?…


tableware_kfsAre you new to church or looking for a place to belong?

Then you are invited to a lunch on Sunday 27 January at 12.30 pm, straight after the morning service. Come and meet Andrew and Emma, hear how the church was founded, what our vision is and see how you can be part of it. It is also a great opportunity to ask your questions.

The Newcomers’ Lunch is the first stop on something we call Vineyard Road Trip, which invites people to join us for three evenings to explore our values. There is no obligation to attend, but, of course, we would be delighted to have you with us on the journey and get to know you more.

For the purposes of catering, please contact the office if you are intending of coming to the lunch. We can also give directions to the venue.



Why do we preach in a series?


Life-together-adWe begin a new talk series to start the year in January and February.

We will be asking how does individualism affect the church being the church? What encourages us to live separate lives with our own agendas? Why does it result in feelings of loneliness, hurt and miscommunication?

God longs for us to have a rich and genuine relationship with Him and other people.

This series will give practical advice on how life together in Christ can serve as an antidote to the isolation and loneliness of our lives in the 21st century.



Still playing catch up? Try this ‘favourites’ list.

Here are the most read, watched and listened to resources of the year from Vineyard Churches.



Looking to catch up on your reading as we start the New Year? Try these.

The American publication Leadership Journal have listed their Top 10 most-viewed articles below. Some themes that emerged:

In their own words:

“As always, first-person stories from pastors (#1, #7, #10) were popular. We had pastors getting busted at Mass, befriending pariahs, and pastoring lesbians. These leaders shared the lessons they learned in unusual circumstances, and readers took notice.

“A couple of practical teaching articles also cracked the top 10, including articles on the LJ themes of transformation (#4) and outreach (#8).

“Pieces from our spiritual warfare issue were also popular, with “Removing the Demonic” (#3) landing high on the list.”



#10: Busted at Mass by Gordon Dalbey. What I learned after getting caught crashing Catholic mass.

#9: Seven Habits of Highly Ineffective Leaders by Steven James.Time-tested practices to ensure complete and utter failure.

#8: The Soul of Steve Jobs by Gordon MacDonald. What would it have taken to reach the Apple founder’s core?

#7: When Clean and Unclean Touch by Mark Buchanan. Jesus’ revolutionary reversal puts transformation within reach.

#6: Why Men Still Hate Going to Church. LJ Managing Editor Drew Dyck interviews David Murrow.

#5: The 5 Comments Speakers Hate Most by John Ortberg. Dealing with post-sermon remarks.

#4: How to Spot a Transformed Christian by Gordon MacDonald. 12 outward signs of the inner reality

#3: Removing Demonic Oppression by Karl Payne.
Steps to freeing those under the unwanted influence.

#2: Christian Denominations are like NFL Teams by Ben Howard. If you don’t have a sense of humour, then please don’t read the following post (Out of Ur post).

#1: Going to Hell with Ted Haggard by Michael Cheshire. What I learned about grace and redemption through my friendship with a Christian pariah. (This is the most read and shared article in Leadership‘s history!)


Newcomers-lunch-(VRT)-A chance to join us for lunch on Sunday 27 January, after our morning service, 12.30 pm, and meet the pastors, Andrew and Emma.

Hear their story. Find out what our vision is. Get to meet others in the church. Ask your questions.

This is the first stop of the Vineyard Road Trip, a welcome programme to help you see if we are your church and if so, how you can belong. No strings attached.

Please let the office know soon if you would like us to hold a chair for you. Look forward to meeting you soon.


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