news & events event












Vineyard East Anglia Area Day Conference

With Jeremy and Elaine Cooke, Hull Vineyard & Vineyard Records UK
Saturday 17th May

King Edward’s IV School, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 3AU

There is no greater privilege in than being called into the Christian life, yet so many people can make such heavy work out of it. This conference is designed to give you some of the keys and principles to living the life God wants you to live.

Our lives reflect the depth and degree of our surrender to God, sometimes the application of simple truth to our lives can reap the most wonderful rewards. This conference is for those who want to enjoy the Christian life to the full.

Jeremy and Elaine Cook are senior pastors of Hull Vineyard, which they planted 20 years ago. They met when they were 17 years old and eventually embarked on careers in the corporate business world of London. In the midst of career and   financial success they met God, who turned their lives upside down and called them to church plant in Hull, one of the most unchurched and socially challenging cities in the UK.

Join us, along with Vineyard churches from across East Anglia, for a day of worship, teaching, prayer and encouragement.

Pick up a flyer from church or book online today.



Marriage CourseJust a quick reminder that the first of the seven sessions for the marriage course starts this evening.

We will be meeting at Assington Hall (click for map) for a 7:30pm start.

looking forward to seeing you there!









Sign-up-sunday-panel-adJust a quick reminder that we will be running a sign up session this Sunday (11 May) for our midweek HOME Groups.

So if you are new to the church or have been thinking that you would like to join a midweek pastoral group, we are giving everyone in the church the opportunity to sign up to a HOME group and start the summer term with the fresh opportunity to go deeper with God and one another.

These small groups are great places for making friends in a relaxed and safe environment. We’ll also help you you find an evening and location to suits you best.

For more information, please contact the church office.


The Well

John Wesley once said “Prayer is where the action is”. So if you want to be part of the action and have an hour to spare on Wednesday lunchtime join us at The Well prayer time.

We will be meeting in The Living Room at The Christopher Centre, 1:30 – 2:30pm. Please note parking at The Christopher Centre will be limited. There is parking available behind Argos.  For more information and directions, please contact the church office or drop them a line.


First Sunday







A small reminder that we have our monthly evening service this weekend. Please note, there is no Sunday morning service. The service starts at 6:30pm at the Delphi Centre.

If you are visiting or just passing through, we’d love to meet you. If you don’t usually go to church, you are especially welcome. Come as you are!


Just a quick reminder that weBreakfast have our full English breakfast experience for guys on Saturday morning, 9.30 am, at Painters Cafe, Gainsborough Street. We have had good response so far, but if you are thinking of coming let the office know by email or phone 01787 377 670 to reserve your seat. If you are new or just looking it is a great way of getting to know people. We look forward to seeing you there.

















Come and join us for an hour of prayer tonight at The Well. We are meeting at Dave & Jenny Jones’ home. If you don’t usually come, it would be particularly great to see you.

Suitable for all.

See you there!









We are fast approaching the end of Lent. If you have given up chocolate you are probably in the grips of the cravings, looking forward to sinking your teeth into an Easter egg.

What ever you have decided to give up during Lent you will probably find that your purse or wallet is a little heavier. With that extra spare change you saved by not buying that sneaky afternoon chocolate bar or the box of chocolates to go with your Saturday night film, have you thought about filling either an old supermarket plastic bag or one of our Storehouse food bank bags’ with some food for a family or individual in crisis in and around Sudbury?

We will soon be collecting the bags ready for the Storehouse team to process and hand out at our Tuesday and Friday drop-ins. If you haven’t already there is still time to pick up your Storehouse brown food bag, available on a Sunday morning at our service. Alternatively yourself, family and friends can fill an old shopping bag and take to one of your nearest collection points (Click here for list of collection points). Of course, there is no limited to bags that can be filled!

If you’re not part of Vineyard and either a Collection Point or friend, you can download an A4 display poster, along with a PPT notice slide below, to help promote the idea to your church.

If we can help further, drop us a line.

Thank you.

Much love,

The Storehouse Team


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